Parents Get Help Here: brainbuzzz neurodevelopment
Everything you need to rewire your brain at home: Introduction; screening, and the exercises.
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Your Instructor
I'm so pleased you're here!
You have found me because you have a child with some learning difficulties and you are looking for help. You have been told that there's nothing that can be done. I am here to say that I was told nothing could be done and I didn't believe it. I found answers for my son, and I can share with you what I learnt.
Brainbuzzz has been developed to give you the help you need, easily, quickly and affordably. This programme has been shown to help with autistic spectrum symptoms for decades.
Sue Cook BSc Hons Lic LCCH is a health scientist and enthusiastic proactive health seeker. Achieving five business awards for her work with learning issues Sue's work is cutting edge.Sue Cook, is a neurodevelopment specialist, and more can be found out about her on YouTube at The Child Brain Whisperer; and at brainbuzzz.
Course Curriculum
StartThe First Month/Six Weeks
StartMankato: Movement Foundations
StartSix Weeks to three Months
StartSecond Set/Lizard Prep
StartThird Set/Moro Set (used to be the first set)
StartThree Months to Five Months
StartFourth Set/Crawling Set (Used to be the second set)
StartFive Months and onwards
StartFifth Set/Standing Set (used to be the third set)
StartHow to Use The Extras